
Check out my latest appearances on podcasts, webinars, and other media outlets.


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Seizing the Moment: Real-Time Event Data Analysis for Immediate Impact

June 2024

Skift Real-Time Data Analytics Image

Angela Tupper and I discussed real-time event data analytics and how it can be used to drive immediate impact. We talked about the importance of real-time data in the events industry, how to collect and analyze data during the registration period and beyond, and how to use this data to make informed decisions. Check it out to learn about AI’s influence on event technology and how it can be harnessed to analyze data in real-time. You can view the video on Skift’s website at Seizing the Moment: Real-Time Event Data Analysis for Immediate Impact.

Leadership Unplugged - Scaling Technology, People and Culture | E9

February 2024

Leadership Unplugged Logo

I was recently invited by Aaron Stebbings to speak on Leadership Unplugged where we discussed scaling technology, people, and culture. We talked about the importance of building a strong team, the challenges of scaling a business, and the role of leadership in creating a positive work environment. We also touched a bit on my personal journey and career. You can listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.